2015 – 2016
Prospective energy modes for the BRT
Pays d’Aix regional council
Line characteristics, professional network with bus and electrical equipment manufacturers

The Aix-en-Provence regional council launched studies for the construction of the first line of its collective transport system on dedicated lanes, the BRT line B between the Krypton terminus in the south and the north-west of the town (Saint-Mitre), passing through the centre and the university. The 7km line with 12 stations will be operated with about 15 standard buses
As part of its energy transition policy, the Aix-en-Provence regional council intends to adopt an innovative means of propulsion for the BRT. Transamo was chosen to conduct a comparative study of the possibilities available on the market, in readiness for roll-out in 2019.
Transamo was chosen to conduct a comparative study of the possibilities available on the market, in readiness for roll-out in 2019.
Phase 1 – Diagnostic: meeting the key players (elected representatives, technical departments, operator), review of the line’s characteristics
Phase 2 – The study of the different types of existing motor drive systems for rolling stock, design of the comparative decision-support tools and presentation of the study.
Phase 3 – Presentation of the study to the technical departments and the elected representatives
Visit of the route, meetings on the spot. The study was produced in the office.
The study was conducted by an experienced Transamo systems and rolling stock engineer, with the help of a junior systems engineer, and with the support of experts and buyers from Transdev’s technical department.
Transamo’s and Trandev’s professional network enabled an effective exchange of information with the industrial manufacturers. Transamo met the study’s tight deadlines, delivering detailed information on the complete range of possible means of propulsion: diesel, hybrid, rechargeable hybrid, self-contained or opportunity-charged electric, NGV, hydrogen. All the impacts were analysed: investment, operations and maintenance costs, energy costs, adaptation of the workshop-depot and the terminuses, greenhouse gas emissions, recharging infrastructure, project image.
Transamo’s recommendations enabled the Pays d’Aix regional council to make an informed choice of the mode of propulsion before launching the contract to buy the bus equipment.